Aug 17, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu- What about You and Your Family?

Let’s review the facts…

On April 26th, 2009 officials from the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security declared a national public health emergency. A new Influenza A or H1N1 “swine flu” virus was making people sick and linked to deaths in Mexico. The new flu is a combination of swine, bird and human influenza. On June 11th, the World Health Organization raised the global influenza pandemic alert to level 6 – the highest phase level.

The World Health Organization or WHO reported 94,512 confirmed cases of new swine flue worldwide with 429 deaths. That same week, WHO recommended countries stop lab confirmation of swine flu cases. They were to presume that H1N1 flu was linked to any flu-like illnesses. These presumptions lead to an overestimation of both illness and death caused by swine flu. July 17, 2009 the CDC listed 40,617 probable and confirmed swine flu cases in the USA with 263 deaths.


The 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic infected an estimated 20 to 30% of the world’s population with a 2.5% mortality rate. Forty to one hundred million people died from complications, including 500,000 Americans. In 1957 the Asian Flu contributed to the death of 68,000 Americans. In 1968, complications from the Hong Kong killed about 34,000 Americans.

Both annual influenza and most pandemic flu outbreaks are generally mild. About 20% of all flu-like illnesses are due to type A or B influenza. Most people, young and old, recover without serious complications. Annual influenza vaccines are not shown to be as effective in children and adults as previously promoted to be in the media.

Present Vaccines

Swine flu vaccines (inactivated and injectable) are being developed by Novartis, Sanofi Pasteur and GlaxoSmithKine. A live attenuated virus nasal spray is being manufactured by MedImmune. Sixty to eighty million doses will be available in early fall 2009. The government has contracted with manufacturers to produce a total of 193 million doses.

H1N1 vaccines are monovalent vaccines prepared in eggs and will not contain aluminum (linked to Alzheimer’s) or oil-in-water adjuvants, MF-59 or ASO3 (linked to autoimmune conditions) that hyper stimulate the immune system to produce more antibodies in response to lab-altered viruses or bacteria in vaccines. Oil-in-water adjuvants were added to experimental anthrax vaccines that were administered to Gulf War soldiers. This was implicated in Gulf War syndrome. There have been no scientific studies to date to link these adjuvants to vaccine-induced chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders with children and adults who may be genetically predisposed to autoimmune conditions.

The FDA has not stated whether thimerosal, associated with brain, immune system dysfunction and autism, will be added to multi-dose vials of swine flu H1N1 vaccines.

The FDA has not stated whether thimerosal, associated with brain, immune system dysfunction and autism, will be added to multi-dose vials of swine flu H1N1 vaccines.

Legal Issues

A federal advisory panel told the FDA to move ahead to approve or license the new vaccine without safety and efficacy data from clinical trials. Children in Oklahoma are in current trials with the new vaccine. U.S. health officials are expected to by-pass FDA licensing procedures and include oil-in-water adjuvants in some vaccines for public use.

The FDA can approve unlicensed vaccines and drugs whenever a national “public health emergency” has been declared. Congress authorized this under an Emergency Use Authorization provision in the 2004 Project Bioshield legislation.

In 2005, Congress passed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act which took away liability for experimental drugs and vaccines for public use under the Emergency Use Authorization. There is not compensation funding program for children or adults injured and killed by vaccines or drugs under EUA.

US Congress passed Project Bioshield Act of 2004 and Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 to create and fund a partnership between private pharmaceutical companies and the Department of Health and Human Services. This partnership was launched to develop bioterrorism and pandemic influenza vaccines that could be used by Americans when the U.S. Secretary of Health declared a public health emergency.

The National Vaccine Information Center opposed provisions in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and Bioshield legislation that was passed by Congress. They called for responsible congressional oversight. The U.S. Supreme Court gave each state power to mandate vaccine use. If a state Governor declares a public health emergency then state public health laws that involve quarantine and vaccine use are enacted.

“In the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill, over the objections from all 50 state Governors, the U.S. Congress modified the Insurrection Act of 1807 to allow the President to federalize National Guard troops and use them in the states to respond to a “natural disaster, epidemic or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident” when the President determines that “authorities of the state or possession are incapable of maintaining public order.”

Since September 11, 2001 new state public health laws have been enacted. Normal vaccine exemption laws for school entry (medical and religious) can be suspended when a “public health emergency” is declared.

Be informed and make a plan

Things to think about:

Would you have your child or children get the swine flu vaccine during a public health emergency?

Will you be notified in advance if children are given the swine flu vaccine at school as requested by government or school officials?

If you do want your child vaccinated can your school give you written vaccine benefit and risk information prior to the vaccination?

How will the school or you monitor your child for signs and symptoms of a vaccine reaction?

Do you want to give a letter to the principal at the beginning of the school year to state whether you do or do not want your child to receive the vaccine?

Would you consider keeping your child home from school on vaccination day?

If your child does receive the vaccination do you want to ask for a written record of the vaccine given to your child including the manufacturer’s name, batch and lot number?

If you or your child become ill and are put on home quarantine, do you have the necessary supplies (food, medication, etc.) to live safely and comfortably at home for a few weeks?

If you are placed under quarantine or in isolation outside of your home by health officials can you notify family, work, friends or an attorney?

Do you have available copies of your family’s medical records, a list of prescription medications, allergies and or dietary restrictions ready?

If you are considering getting the swine flu vaccine do you or your family members have an allergy to egg, autism, known autoimmune conditions or other medical conditions that increase the risk for vaccine reaction?

Of Note

Jane Burgermeister, a journalist, recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and several high ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempt to commit mass murder.

Ms. Burgermeister prepared an injunction against forced vaccination in the U.S.

More on this story in the next post.

Dyncorp, a top military contractor for the US government, holds the patent for the swine flu vaccine. Vaccines are derived from infected kidney cells of African Green monkeys. Monkeys are infected with the disease and then killed so that diseased organs are harvested for the vaccine. Dyncorp has allegedly been linked to under-age sex slave trafficking in Bosnia and poisoning rural farmers in Ecuador through aerial spraying of Columbian coca crops. Dyncorp is paid by the U.S. government to patrol the Mexican border where the H1N1 swine flu was originally detected.

Dyncorp holds four key patents jointly with the National Institutes of Health. They would receive tremendous financial rewards from the patents that cover attenuated live viral vaccine harvesting methods. One of the key investors in these patents is Dr. Robert H. Purcell. Dr. Purcell is one of the co-chiefs of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that operates under the National Institute of Health of the U.S. government. For further reading on this topic, visit this website.

Second Nature will carry the safe non-toxic (no thimerasol, aluminum, formaldehyde and oil-in-water adjuvants) oral flu vaccine this fall. This homeopathic vaccine is about 86% effective. We will also have in stock several immune bolstering formulations and treatments if you get the flu.

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